What's the deal with importing... what does it cost in money and time...


Crazy Inventor
I see there are international job shops bidding here. I think that's great.

Personally though, I'm a bit loathe to award a job to an international company without knowing what I'm getting into with regards to taxes, fees, and tarrifs importing into the US.

Most of my jobs have been running $200-$600

Anybody know?




New Member
There are usually no tarriffs or taxes between Canada and US as long as it is goods made in either country. Brokerage and shipping are the normal costs.


New Member
DareBee said:
There are usually no tarriffs or taxes between Canada and US as long as it is goods made in either country. Brokerage and shipping are the normal costs.

soo I guessing I was thinking correct


New Member
There are hoops needed to jump through to get items past customs. NAFTA documents and such. These can all be done personally for no cost, for the inexperienced shipper, incorrect paperwork can get parcels hung up at the border or returned to sender. I find it easier to use a broker who does the paperwork and gets your items across the border. Generally this service costs me $50 per shipment.
Small bits and pieces of stuff can be sent in the "Ebay way" send it from person to person (instead of business to business) as a "gift". Then you need to do some creative bookwork to show the sale.
Most gift items sent via mail seam to ship quite well, but may get opened and abused at the border.
Mailing items labelled as used parts seams to work good as well.
These are my experiences and I cannot or willnot promise anyone the same results ;-)